Carthage High School offers several online courses through the Virtual Learning Center (VLC) for high school students. This style of learning is different from the traditional classroom. However, it can be a great option for some students. While many students are enrolled for credit recovery, it can also help with scheduling conflicts and needed electives. It also allows for flexibility for at-risk or homebound students. Virtual learning is offered to Carthage High School students with approval of the student's school counselor.
- VLC has 108 different core and elective classes that students can use to earn credit toward graduation.
- VLC provides the opportunity to work on any school district computer, which gives students the flexibility to work when and where they wish.
- VLC allows students to get caught up if they get behind on credits, or offers the opportunity to graduate early. These classes even help some students obtain an honor diploma.
- VLC helps when scheduling problems occur.
- VLC classes can be started at any time during the school year. Students who transfer in or need to change classes, don't have to wait until a new semester starts to begin working on their classes.
- VLC can customize classes to meet each student's individual needs.
- VLC offers students the ability to complete classes outside school hours, both before and after school. Students can carry a full load during the day and earn even more credits outside of school.
- VLC provides summer school classes. Students can make credits up or get a jump start on their next year's classes.
- VLC courses contain skill-based software that meets all Missouri State Standards (MSIP), Grade Level Expectations (GLEs), Course Level Expectations (CLEs), is NCAA accredited, and is aligned with the curriculum of Carthage High School.